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Urban Storm Drain Cleaning
Experts from Denver and Longmont share their best management practices for tracking and managing storm drain cleaning.
City of Denver Phosphorous Contribution to TMDLs
Craig Wolf from GEI Consultants presents data from the City of Denver’s phosphorous contributions to TMDLs.
Deicer Best Management Practices
Winter weather brings with it deicer, salt, and sand application. This relates to our municipal operations as well as citizens within our municipalities. Here are some reminders for this season to help protect water quality.
Scientists don’t know why one-third of U.S. rivers have turned yellow or green
Satellite images of rivers across the U.S. have revealed a troubling color-changing trend: Over the past three decades, one-third of…
Fall Leaves & Yard Litter Best Management Practices
The amount of phosphorus in grass clippings generated from just one lawn mowing can produce up to 100 lbs. of unwanted algae if it ends up in our lakes and ponds. Leaf “litter” and landscape trash account for 56% of the phosphorus in urban stormwater, in addition to clogging storm drains and increasing debris in our streams and waterways.