Deicer Best Management Practices
Winter weather brings with it deicer, salt, and sand application. This relates to our municipal operations as well as citizens within our municipalities. Here are some reminders for this season to help protect water quality.

Smart Water Use & Water Runoff
Living in an arid climate like we do here in Colorado makes water efficiency and best management practices very important…

2023 Educational Campaign Report
The Colorado Stormwater Council’s shared Education and Outreach program includes social media, radio, TV, print, online and bus advertisements, and…

Foam in Waterways
Where is the foam from? It is common for organic matter naturally found in our waterways to decompose, releasing fatty…

Household Chemical Disposal
This month we are highlighting some great information that the City of Aurora has on their website. Share information on…

Fall Leaves & Yard Litter Best Management Practices
The amount of phosphorus in grass clippings generated from just one lawn mowing can produce up to 100 lbs. of unwanted algae if it ends up in our lakes and ponds. Leaf “litter” and landscape trash account for 56% of the phosphorus in urban stormwater, in addition to clogging storm drains and increasing debris in our streams and waterways.

Permanent Stormwater Quality Features
Improperly maintained permanent stormwater quality features can increase the pollutants in our rivers, increase the amount of erosion that could…

Pet Waste & Pollution Prevention
Pet waste is a large source of stormwater pollution. When precipitation falls and comes in contact with pet waste left…

Fertilizer Application Best Practices
Did you know that using too much fertilizer can be harmful to the environment? Excess phosphorus and nitrogen flows from…

Stormwater Awareness: Snowmelt
With Spring officially here, we will start to see significant snow melt and potentially heavy rain storms. These storm events…