Water Saving Tips

Making simple changes to your water use behavior can save lots of water. If we all reduced the amount of water we use by even a small amount, we could make a huge difference to our total consumption. Here are just a few practical tips to help you save water in and around your home.

Only Wash with a Full Load

Use your washing machine only when you have a full load. Reducing your washing by just one load a week will save around 32 gallons of water.

Replace Your Toilet

Replace a standard single flush toilet with a dual flush system and you could save up to 24 gallons a day.

Check Your Home for Leaks

Leaks can be extremely wasteful and costly. Save up to 8 gallons a day by getting a plumber to repair leaks in and around your home.

Take Shorter Showers

Showers and baths account for 25% of all water used in an average home. Limiting your showers to 2 minutes or less will save around 6 gallons of water each day. Don’t waste water while you wait for the hot tap to warm up. Keep a bucket handy to catch the water and use it on indoor plants or in the garden.

Don't Leave Tap Running While Brushing Your Teeth.

Simply wet your toothbrush before you begin and use a glass of water to rinse your mouth. A running tap can use about 2 gallons of water per minute. If you regularly keep the tap running while cleaning your teeth you could use up to 3,038 gallons per year.

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