MS4 Permittees

Information relevant to MS4 permit holders.

E&O Topic of the Month - Smart Water Use and Water Runoff

Living in an arid climate like we do here in Colorado makes water efficiency and best management practices very important for residents and businesses. There are many ways to ensure water is being managed efficiently and we all play a part in these efforts. Here are a few ways to help save water around your house and workplace: 

Tips for saving water and improving water quality outdoors:

E&O Topic of the Month - Stormwater Awareness/Snowmelt

With Spring officially here, we will start to see significant snow melt and potentially heavy rain storms. These storm events provide us a reminder to protect water quality! Rain and melting snow pick up litter, pesticides, fertilizers, and other pollutants from our homes and carry them into storm inlets which drain directly into local waterways without treatment.This is different from wastewater systems, which carry water from indoor drains in our homes, offices, and buildings to wastewater treatment plants before discharging to the local waterway.

2023 Educational Campaign Report

The Colorado Stormwater Councils shared Education and Outreach program includes social media, radio, TV, print, online and bus advertisements, and public service announcements. Thank you to all of our members and partners who make this possible through their contributions and collaboration. Without our combined effort, our communities would be much more limited on the number of different media options integrated into our education and outreach programs. This report is a summary of all educational campaigns for 2023. 
